Climate-Resilient Society CALL FOR CONTRIBUTORS for Special Theme of ERCIM News
Climate-Resilient Society INVITATION for Special Theme of ERCIM News 135
Main Editor: Peter Kunz, ERCIM; Guest editors: Athina Lykos, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology;, Sobah Abbas Petersen, Norwegian University of Science and Technology;
Recently published sixth IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) synthesis report has some good news: there are promising developments in low-carbon technologies, the national commitments to reduce their emissions are becoming more ambitious and more effort has been made to help communities adapt to the effects of climate change (e.g., Green Cities Europe). The amount of funding committed to climate change resilience and carbon-neutral development is also increasing.
The problem is that these efforts still aren’t enough. Even if every country in the world delivers on its current climate pledges, climate changes will increase in all regions of the globe over the coming decades and the global warming is still expected to reach at least 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, which means further increase in heat waves, longer warm seasons and shorter cold seasons. And if the planet gets much warmer, we may see irreversible changes to some ecosystems around the world, which would be catastrophic for the population as well as the wildlife that depend on them.
Current adaptation efforts are scattered and have a strong technology focus, particularly in urban areas. This has a tendency to leave behind some of the most vulnerable communities. To mitigate the negative impacts on climate change and our planet, there is a need to reach out to all the stakeholders and communities through enhanced climate related knowledge and sharing of knowledge, motivation and engagement of people (from existing EU-Climate Change projects to policy makers, private stakeholders, citizens and the scientific community)
This special ERCIM theme aims to put a spotlight on recent Research, Innovation and Implementation activities that could be taken up by the EU Mission on Adaptation to Climate Change, with focus on actionable knowledge, tools and solutions for planning, implementation, and progress monitoring.
We invite ongoing or already finished EU projects, as well as innovative companies and regions with valuable experiences in Climate Change adaptation and mitigation to share their knowledge and experiences on adaptation and mitigation needs, gaps, responses, solutions, and mitigation pathways.
Thus, we look for contributions regarding actionable knowledge, tools and solutions that could expand to various domains/sectors like:
- Energy
- Water supply (inc. sewers)
- Forestry
- Manufacturing
- Transport
- Construction
- Real estate
- Information Communication Technologies
- Human health
- Tourism
- Agriculture
- Financial and insurance
- Citizen and stakeholder engagement activities
- Gender Equality and diversity
- Other climate change related research is very welcome
Please read the guidelines below before submitting an article.
A Word template for ERCIM News articles is available for download.
Submission Deadline
Please submit your articles to: Peter Kunz Athina Lykos and Sobah Petersen We are looking forward to receiving your articles!
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