FAQ – How do I register, create or edit a profile?
How do I register, create or edit a profile on weADAPT?
Registering as a member on weADAPT is simple and enables you to create a profile, connect with other members, and share content.
To register, simply follow the steps below:
- Click on the ‘Sign In’ link at the top-right of the page
- A pop-up window will appear. Click on ‘Create New Account’
- Fill in the details requested (you can fill-in more details in your profile later)
- Click on ‘Register’ and a confirmation email welcoming you to the weADAPT community will be sent to you.
We recommend filling-in your profile to maximise its visibility and search ability. Updating your personal profile is quick and easy to do, just follow these steps:
- Sign-In, the access your profile page by clicking on your name in the top banner;
- Here you can update your profile, add content, see what content you have added, as well as manage and edit content you have already created/published.
- Click on ‘Edit’ under your name;
- You can add details about yourself and your work in the ‘Tell us more about you’ tab, such as your job title, a profile picture, the organisation you are associated with and text about yourself. If you have no particular institutional affiliation, just mention it in your profile.
- You can also provide subjects of interest, which will help weADAPT deliver tailored content to you.
- Under ‘Personal details’, you can provide details of where you are based and the regions/countries that are the focus of your work (if applicable). You can link to your LinkedIn account too. We strongly recommend you to add a blurb on your topic interests in relating to climate change adaptation. You can also tick the box to subscribe to our fortnightly newsletter with weADAPT’s most recent content.
- Don’t forget to click on ‘Save’ once you are done.
If you have any problems registering please email info@weadapt.org
Further information:
- Find out how you may delete your account.