Sharing content on weADAPT ensures your work reaches a wide and diverse community interested in climate change adaptation that can learn and benefit from your research.
Sharing content on weADAPT will also increase the visibility of your article, case-study, blog, event, solution or project. Once published, your publication will be shared on our social media channels (Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin) on a regular basis and added to our newsletter. You will be able to see how many times the resource (academic article, report, brief etc.) accompanying the content you publish has been downloaded. If we publish other articles that are thematically related to yours, we will try to ensure your publication is linked and displayed under the new article. We also take steps to maximise our search engine optimisation (SEO) so that weADAPT content performs well in online searches.
Further information:
Sharing information on weADAPT helps to build a community of practice, and helps to share climate information.