Adaptation as a global public good: understanding and managing transboundary climate risks

This Keynote looked at adaptation as a global public good - doing so will help understanding and managing transboundary climate risks.


The NAP Expo is an annual outreach event organized by the Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG) under the UNFCCC, in collaboration with various bodies and organizations, to promote exchange of experiences and foster partnerships between a wide range of actors and stakeholders on how to advance National Adaptation Plans (NAPs).

The Keynote presentations below look at adaptation as a global public good and how taking this perspective aids the understanding and management of transboundary climate risks.

Plenary: Keynote Discussions

Keynote 7: Dr. Youssef Nassef (Adaptation Programme, UNFCCC), The resilience continuum

Keynote 8: Dr. Dhrupad Choudhury (ICIMOD), Key messages from the Hindu Kush Himalaya Assessment

Keynote 8 NAPs Expo 2019 from NAP Events

Keynote 9: Dr. Rebecca Nadin (ODI), Transboundary climate risk

Keynote 9 Transboundary climate risks- NAP Expo 2019 from NAP Events

Keynote 10: Ms. Heunjin Oh (MOE Korea), Korea’s adaptation experience

Plenary session NAP Expo 2019 KN 10 from NAP Events


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