Webinar: Climate change adaptation in mountain areas – What role is there for parliamentarians?

About the Event
Co-hosted by the Inter-Parliamentary Union and the Adaptation at Altitudeprogramme of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation
This event was hosted in English, with interpretation offered in French, Spanish, and Russian.
Mountain areas are disproportionately affected by climate change impacts, but do not receive adequate attention in international processes. During this webinar, international mountain experts and parliamentarians presented solutions and discussed potential ways forward to close these gaps.
Panelists discussed how countries can incorporate mountain resilience strategies in their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) for climate change, national Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) strategies, or country plans for achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in order to protect livelihoods, infrastructure, and natural resources.
This event aimed to:
-Increase awareness on the importance of mountain ecosystems -Discuss the interlinkages between climate change adaptation strategies, DRR targets, and the SDGs -Identify challenges and opportunities for parliamentarians to play a more active role in these areas -Share “good practices” from parliaments and highlight their ability to implement their practices and their relevance to other political and social contextsYou can read summaries in English and in French.
You can access the slides here. You can rewatch the webinar in English below. The recording of the webinar is also accessible in French, Spanish, and Russian.
With keynote address delivered by Manfred Kaufman, Programme Manager, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (7:24 in the video below)
Carolina Adler, Executive Director of the Mountain Research Initiative (18:45 in the video below) Grammenos Mastrojeni, Deputy Secretary General of the Union for the Mediterranean (30:29 in the video below) Nicolas Walder, MP, National Council of Switzerland (41:38 in the video below) Sebastián Torrealba Alvarado, Chamber of Deputies, Chile (51:53 in the video below)
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