Understanding transboundary climate risks: the need for global adaptation

Discover key findings from theAdaptation Without Borders‘ first flagship report in this webinar event. Authors of four chapters (on terrestrial resources, energy, finance and livelihoods) will set the scene for a discussion on the policy implications of these systemic risks, and on the need for global cooperation on adaptation.
Aerial view of coastline with houses by a dark sea
Source: Canva


This webinar will discuss key findings from the Adaptation Without Borders first flagship report. The report provides new evidence on ten transboundary climate risks of global importance that affect critical sectors and regions: from water resources in high mountain environments, to fish stocks in the open ocean, industrial supply chains, and energy and global finance systems, as well as human health, livelihoods, mobility patterns, and physical and mental well-being. Authors of four chapters (on terrestrial resources, energy, finance and livelihoods) will set the scene for a discussion on the policy implications of these systemic risks, and on the need for global cooperation on adaptation.

The webinar will take place from 11:00 – 13:00 CEST on Thursday 20 April.Register to attend. Watch the recording of the event below.

Video:IDDRI / YouTube


Moderator: Richard J.T. Klein, Senior Research Fellow, Stockholm Environment Institute, Sweden

11:00–11:15 Introduction and presentation of the 2023 Global Transboundary Climate Risks Report

  • Katy Harris, Senior Policy Fellow, Stockholm Environment Institute, Sweden
  • Ariadna Anisimov, Research Fellow, Institute of Development Policy, University of Antwerp, Belgium
  • Alexandre Magnan, Senior Research Fellow, Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations, France

11:15–11:45 Four chapters:

Shared river corridors in mountain regions: the case of the Hindu Kush Himalaya

  • Jakob Steiner, Fellow Himalayan University Consortium (HUC/ICIMOD), Nepal, and University of Graz, Austria

Interconnected energy systems: Tropical cyclones on the east coast of Africa

  • Jinsun Lim, Policy Analyst, International Energy Agency

Transboundary climate risks and health: a deep dive on infectious diseases

  • Kristine Belesova, Senior Lecturer in Global Population Health, Imperial College London

Cross border risks to livelihoods

  • Sarah Opitz Stapleton, Research Associate, Overseas Development Institute, UK

11:45–12:15 Q&A

12:15–12:35 Perspectives from policy and practice

    • H.E. Aminath Shauna, Maldives’ Minister of Environment, Climate change and Technology (video)
    • Saleemul Huq, Director, International Centre for Climate Change and Development, Bangladesh

12:35–12:55 Q&A

12:55–13:00 Conclusion

  • Katy Harris, Senior Policy Fellow, Stockholm Environment Institute, Sweden


Moderator:Richard Klein, Senior Research Fellow, SEI, Sweden

  • Ariadna Anisimov, Research Fellow, Institute of Development Policy, University of Antwerp, Belgium
  • Katy Harris, Senior Policy Fellow, Stockholm Environment Institute, Sweden
  • Saleemul Huq, Director, International Centre for Climate Change and Development, Bangladesh
  • Jinsun Lim, Policy Analyst, International Energy Agency
  • Alexandre Magnan, Senior Research Fellow, Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations, France
  • Kristine Belesova, Senior Lecturer in Global Population Health, Imperial College London, The United Kingdom
  • Sarah Opitz Stapleton, Research Associate, Overseas Development Institute, UK
  • Jakob Steiner, Fellow Himalayan University Consortium (HUC/ICIMOD), Nepal, and University of Graz, Austria
  • Rebecca Nadin, Director, Global Risks & Resilience team, Overseas Development Institute, UK

This webinar has been organised by IDDRI, SEI and ODI on behalf of Adaptation Without Borders.


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