Global Challenges Foundation

An outline of a triangle with a circle in the middle next to the words Global Challenges Foundation in dark blue

The Global Challenges Foundation aims to promote the development of global decision-making models capable of more effectively and equitably mitigating and, preferably, eliminating the major catastrophic risks threatening humanity.

We are working to achieve this by:

  • Following developments and informing on risks, risk drivers, and the current gap in institutional management of risks
  • Establishing dialogue between policymakers, opinion leaders and experts by fostering networks, collaborations and initiatives that can take the issue forward
  • Achieving momentum for improved management of global risk in current and relevant processes of reform

The Global Challenges Foundation’s main focus are three interconnected global risks: Climate change, other large-scale environmental degradation and weapons of mass destruction, along with three underlying forces that increase the probability and impact of these risks: population growth, extreme poverty and politically motivated violence.

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