The Mountain Research Initiative (MRI) is an international network that envisions a world in which research to understand global change challenges and opportunities in mountains is conducted across borders and disciplines, with and for society, in order to generate knowledge that enables decisions, actions, and transformations towards sustainable development.
It is supported in achieving this vision by the MRI Coordination Office, based in Bern, Switzerland.
Making Connections for Our Changing Mountains.
The MRI connects the global mountain research community. With the MRI Coordination Office serving as a central and enabling hub, our flagship activities, synthesis workshops, working groups, events, and online platforms bring researchers and stakeholders from diverse disciplines and backgrounds together.
We work with the mountain research community and society more broadly to identify research priorities and possibilities for common action, and we support this common action by providing targeted funding, coordination, and administrative assistance. We also strive to keep the research community informed, and work with research organizations and funding agencies to ensure that mountain global change topics are recognized and addressed.
Our Seven Goals
Funding and Endorsement
The MRI is a Strategic Partner of Future Earth and a Participating Organization of the Group on Earth Observations.
The MRI is hosted by the Centre for Development and Environment (CDE) at the University of Bern, and funded by the Swiss Academies of Sciences (SCNAT). For projects and contributions related to IPCC AR6 activities, as well as the climate change adaptation in mountains programme, we receive funding from the Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC).