borderless climate risks
New risk horizons: Sweden’s exposure to climate risk via international trade
Learn about Sweden's place in the global trade system in this SEI report. The study applies innovative multi-method approaches to identify and assess transboundary climate risks facing Sweden via its international trade links.
Shifting the Narrative on Adaptation at COP27
Read this short post about how SEI's Adaptation Without Borders partnership advanced the narrative that climate risk is a shared reality and adaptation must become a collective responsibility, at the "Adaptation COP" in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt.
Adapting to Transboundary Climate Risks in Food Trade
This event will explore how climate change creates risks for the global food system that interact with other drivers of instability to create major threats to food security worldwide.
Adaptation Without Borders launches collaboration with DG CLIMA to scale up international action on cross-border climate risks
At COP26, the Adaptation Without Borders partnership launched a strategic collaboration with DG CLIMA to scale up international action on adaptation to manage the cross-border and cascading impacts of climate change. Watch a recording of the event.
Launch of Adaptation Without Borders: A New Era in International Cooperation on Climate Change
This high-level event will launch a collaboration between the European Commission and Adaptation Without Borders, shine a spotlight on the implications of cross-border and cascading risks for climate diplomacy, and make the case for a new era of adaptation defined by global cooperation.